Handlers and hounds coped admirably with the extremely difficult conditions in our waterlogged and sloping ring. An overall quality entry standing and there were fewer hounds narrow all through than in previous entries I have judged. I found front movement coming still giving cause for concern, with weak pasterns being the most common problem. Hindquarters were generally shapely, but broad flexible hock joints were lacking in some. Several hounds had super profile action and just flowed lightly around the ring, but on the whole I found profile outline moving, which I feel is the essence of the breed, to be atypical. Many hounds were in excellent muscular condition and all were clean and well presented.
Vet D (1) 1 Parsons and McKinnons Brackenford Dalesman at Claonaiglen. Shapely 7 yr old shown in good coat. Lovely dark eye and correct expression, neat ears. Good depth of chest, well angulated hindquarters, good feet. Balanced overall outline standing and moving, good stride in profile with correct tail carriage. Best veteran.
MPD (1) 1. Parsons and McKinnons Claonaiglen Finnan. 8 month youngster. Liked his head and expression, neck of good length. Shade upright in front and would like a little more slope of front pastern. Correct feet, good underline and topline, nicely angulated hindquarters. Tended to ring his tail on the move, but this could improve with age. Unsettled coming, reachy stride in profile.
PD (1) 1. Barrets Stranwith Ebenezer. 10 months, at the legs and wings stage of development. Well grown, good head and expression, neatest of ears. Neck looks overlong at present, but elegant with some arch. Well laid forequarters, stands a bit narrow at present. Lovely depth of chest, rear angulation well balanced with front, shown in good coat. Promising youngster. Bit unsettled in the ring today, but he was sound and moved with a good long stride in profile.
PGD (10) 1 Peach’s Kilbourne Fire Chief. Good class to judge with some close decisions. Good head shape, ears could be neater but well held. Strong and muscular neck of good length, good forequarters and depth of chest, feet could be better. Well ribbed back, felt he had the better width of body than 2 & 3. Shapely underline, well muscled hindquarters and width across thigh, low set hocks. Tended to flatten in topline slightly on the move, but had impressive scope of movement in profile with correct tail carriage. Res.C. 2 Hawkins Kwaricott Archimago. Lovely dark eyes and neater ears than one. Good length of neck and depth of chest. Well laid shoulder and good return of upperarm. Firm in loin, shapely hindquarters. Hocks well let down. Not quite the presence of one moving in profile and needs to settle still in front action coming. Lovely long ground covering stride and close up to one. 3. Seymour-Jacksons Ghiltan Hero.
LD (8) 1. Helps Greyfriars Gillie of Beardswood. Free moving and sound dog who looks as though he could do the job he was bred for. Super dark eye, but would like a slightly more refined head. Good length of neck into well laid shoulder with good length of upperarm. Some forechest, good spring of pastern, stands himself well in front, good feet. Perhaps needs a little more depth of chest, well ribbed back, strong in loin. Harsh coat and in good muscular condition, just tended to carry his tail a bit high today spoiling his outline on the move, but his topline was held on the move and the tail set is correct. 2. Cunninghams Dorrator Nathaniel at Aonachdubh. Good head shape and true Deerhound expression with darkest of eyes and neat ears. Not overtrimmed, good coat. Excellent front action coming, stood absolutely true. Well laid shoulder, would like a slightly better return of upperarm. Good depth of brisket, shapely underline, well angulated hindquarters. Just not quite the length of stride of one in profile, but with better tail carriage. Unlucky to meet one today and a close decision. 3. Coulls Stainlonan Rikki of Regalflight.
OD (6) 1. Helps Ch. Beardswood Marmion. Tall, elegant and balanced, presented in good coat and condition. Liked his head and typical soft expression, strong neck with good reach. Good forequarters with some forechest, true front coming, good feet. Good length of ribbing and spring of rib. Correct topline, lovely sweep to hindquarters. Easy, ground covering collected stride in profile giving a super outline. Pleased to see him short-listed in the group. CC & BOB. 2. Peach’s Ch. Greyflax Myth to Kilbourne. Well balanced and free moving hound. Lovely head, ears could be neater, but well carried. Not quite the elegance of neck of one. Good forequarters with good length of upperarm, would just like a slightly better return. Lovely depth of chest and ribs carried well back. Good width across thigh and well muscled second thigh, hocks well let down. Not quite the stride of one in profile, but a sound easy mover. 3. Rhodes and Mortons Ch. Gentom Peacemaker.
Vet B (2) 1. Kermacks Beardwood Lustre. Very elegant and feminine bitch, lovely head and expression, neat ears. Good forequarters, feet could be a bit tighter. Stands a shade wide, but moves well coming, lovely coat and well presented. Sweeping hindquarters with good width, correct tail set and carriage. Preferred the more enthusiastic movement of the Veteran Dog winner and she did not use her hindquarters to such good effect, but she has a long stride in profile showing a good balanced outline.
MPB (4) 1. Peach’s Kilbourne Teine. Calm, confident and free striding 8 month old. Well laid shoulder, good depth and width of chest, long ribcage. Shapely underline, hindquarters well balanced with front and hocks well let down. Still to settle in front action, effortless movement in profile. Best Puppy. 2. Barrets Stranwith Song. Same age as one, but at a different stage of development and not as co-ordinated coming and going at present. Good head and expression, reachy neck, lovely coat. Not quite the forequarters of one, good depth of chest for age, low hocks. Moved very well in profile, using her hocks for correct propulsion. Preferred her length of leg to that of 3. Interested to see how these two bitches progress as my decision was made on maturity on the day. 3. Peach’s Brackenland Tan to Kilbourne.
PB (6) 1. Grimshaws Jamalison Winter Gayle. Elegant, well grown and at the raw stage of development. Lovely arched neck into well laid forequarters, good feet. Good depth of chest, particularly shapely hindquarters with good muscle to second thigh for a youngster, low set hocks. Her front action was very erratic today, but she has a super stride in profile. Has great ring presence, a slow developer, promising and one to watch. 2. Vayro’s Killoeter Nectar. Similar age to one, but much more finished in outline. Pleasing head with typical expression, strong neck but not quite as elegant as one. Good front, depth of chest and well balanced hindquarters, correct coat. Needs to tighten in front action coming and not quite the length of stride of one, but her movement is easy and active. 3. Finnigans Greyflax Mimosa.
JB (5) 1. Phillips Ladygrove Belle Starr. Little to choose between one and two and sure they will change places many times. Just found one to be further forward in development on the day. Elegant bitch, lovely head, well carried ears. Straight front legs and stood herself true, well angulated forequarters. Good depth, a shade long in loin, shapely hindquarters, good tail carriage on the move. Still to firm up in front action coming, but used her hocks well on the move. Not a big bitch, but very free moving in profile flowing around the ring with a ground covering stride. Res CC. 2. Peach’s Witch Way to Kilbourne. Another lovely bitch, at a more rangy stage of development. Liked her head and clean neck. Good lay of shoulder, straight front legs, good feet. Good depth and width throughout, not quite the width across thigh of one. Good arch over loin and correctly carried tail. Not quite the scope of one in profile, slightly more settled in front coming and an easy stride in profile. 3 Taylor's Guinivere Starshine from Kilbourne.
PGB (10) 1. Phillips Ghiltan Harvest for Ladygrove. Very well balanced outline overall. Good reach of neck, depth of brisket and spring of rib. Good length of ribcage and firm loin. Nice sweep to hindquarters, good coat. Needs to settle in front coming, but moved with good extension and drive in profile. 2. Taylor's Lyart Yea Verily. Not a big bitch, but again very well balanced. Correct coat, not over trimmed. Pleasing head with dark eyes, strong and muscular neck, straight front legs. Good depth and width of body. Well ribbed up, not quite the width of thigh of one, hocks well let down. In good muscular condition, true front movement coming, not quite the scope of one, but an easy mover in profile. 3. Jansons Nixophel Crystal Amethyst JW.
LB (7) 1. Williams Kilbourne Iduna at Inverclyde. Well grown, typical bitch with lovely dark eye and kind expression. Strong neck into well laid shoulder and good length of upperarm. Good depth of chest, shapely topline, sweeping hindquarters, good tail carriage. Would like a slightly longer stride and more drive from her hocks, but she extends well in front and is a light easy mover. 2. Trotmans Cotswold Crocus of Penherald. Similar to one, but not quite the overall angulation. Neatest of ears, super dark eye, good front standing, feet could be better. Good depth of brisket, good length of ribbing, wide hindquarters, hocks well let down. Not quite the front extension of one, but moved well in profile. Typical bitch with no exaggeration. 3. Rhodes and Mortons Gentom Ovation.
OB (11) 1. Parsons and McKinnons Ch. Claonaiglen Orrin. Beautifully balanced bitch, not overdone in any way. Lovely head, good reach of neck, shoulders well laid and good length and return of upperarm, slight slope to pastern. Good depth of brisket and spring of ribs, well ribbed back. Strong firm loin, sweeping wide hindquarters. True coming and going and easy, free stride in profile. Lovely type, lost out to the best dog as just preferred his more athletic movement in profile. CC. 2. Baileys Ch. Greyflax Waterloo Sunset. Another lovely bitch, built on slightly more substantial lines. Excellent depth of chest and ribs well sprung. Balanced angulation front and rear. Wide hindquarters, well carried tail. Extends well in front and an elegant mover in profile. 3. Peach’s Pingleholl Ruby to Kilbourne.
Marilyn Pursglove